Why Does My Cat Try to Bury Her Water Bowl? (What Can I Do)

Why does my cat try to bury her water bowl? Cats are creatures of habit. They like their things to be the same. Thus, if your cat practices burying her water bowl, she probably feels uneasy and insecure about drinking from it.

Why does my cat try to bury her water bowl?

Cats usually feel insecure about drinking from a bowl. They feel vulnerable and exposed. Thus, they bury their water bowl. This makes them feel secure and comfortable.

Please keep reading to know why your cat tries to bury her water bowl.

Why Does My Cat Try to Bury Her Water Bowl? - (Possibilities)

Why is my cat trying to bury her water dish?

If you’ve ever come home to find your cat’s water dish turned upside down or buried under a pile of toys, you may wonder why she would do such a thing.

One is that your cat is simply trying to keep her water clean. Water left out in the open can collect dust, hair, and other debris, making drinking less appealing. By burying her water dish, your cat creates a “clean zone” around her water source.

Another possibility is that your cat is trying to mark her territory. Cats have glands in their paws that release pheromones, and covering her water dish with her paw prints maybe your cat’s way of claiming the area as her own.

Of course, it’s also possible that your cat is just playing with her water dish. However, if she seems to be having fun flipping it over or burying it, there’s no need to worry – she’s just a kitten!

Is it normal for cats to try to bury their water dish?

Some cats may develop the habit of trying to bury their water dish after using it. While this behavior may seem odd, it’s quite normal for cats.

There are a few reasons your cat may try to bury her water dish. One reason could be that she is trying to mark her territory. By planting her water dish, she is putting her scent on it and claiming it as her own.

Another reason could be that your cat is simply trying to keep her water clean. Cats are very clean creatures, and they like their things to be clean as well. So if your cat’s water dish is dirty, she may try to bury it in an attempt to clean it.

If your cat is constantly trying to bury her water dish, you may want to try getting a different type of bowl for her. Some cats prefer bowls that are shallower and have a wider brim. You may also want to try putting the bowl in a different location.

Most importantly, ensure your cat has access to clean, fresh water.

Why would my cat want to bury her water bowl?

It’s natural for cats to want to bury their food and water. In the wild, cats bury their kills to save them for later. They also bury their urine and feces to mark their territory.

Your cat might be trying to bury her water dish because she sees it as a valuable resource she needs to protect. She might also try to mark her territory by putting her scent on the dish.

If you think your cat is trying to bury her water dish, try moving it to a different location. You might also want to try another dish, such as a glass or ceramic one.

What does it mean if my cat tries to bury her water bowl?

If you’ve noticed your cat pawing at her water dish or trying to bury it, you might be wondering why she’s doing this and what it means.

One possibility is that your cat is simply trying to clean her dish. Cats are very clean animals and may try to bury their food or water dishes if they think they’re dirty.

Another possibility is that your cat is trying to hide her water dish from other animals in the house. If she feels like her water dish is in a vulnerable spot, she may try to move it or cover it up so that other animals can’t get to it.

If your cat regularly tries to bury her water dish, it’s a good idea to watch her closely and see if you can identify any patterns in her behavior. If she only does it when her dish is dirty, for example, then you know that’s likely the reason why. If she only does it when other animals are around, that could also be the cause. Once you know the reason behind your cat’s behavior, you can take steps to address it accordingly.

Is there a reason my cat is trying to bury her water bowl?

There could be a few reasons your cat is trying to bury her water dish.

One possibility is that she’s not getting enough water. In the wild, cats get most of their moisture from their prey, around 70% water. Domestic cats, on the other hand, get all of their moisture from their bowl. So if your cat’s bowl is too small, she might not get enough water and could be trying to bury it to save it for later.

Another possibility is that your cat doesn’t like the taste or smell of her water. Cats are very sensitive to changes in taste and smell, so even something as small as a change in the type of bowl you’re using could cause your cat to try to bury her water.

Finally, some cats don’t like having their water out in the open. So if your cat is trying to bury her water dish, she might be doing it to create a sense of security by surrounding herself with a barrier of objects.

What could be causing my cat to try to bury her water bowl?

There could be a few reasons your cat might try to bury her water dish. One possibility is that she doesn’t like the taste of the water. Also, if you’ve recently changed cat food brands, the new food might have a different flavor that is throwing off your cat’s sense of taste.

Another possibility is that your cat doesn’t like your bowl. Cats prefer shallow and wide bowls, so if you use a deep or narrow bowl, your cat might not be able to drink as easily and could be trying to bury the bowl to get to the water.

If you’re concerned about your cat’s behavior, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any medical causes.

What can I do to stop my cat from trying to bury her water dish?

It’s not unusual for cats to try to bury their water dish. Some believe this instinct comes from their wild ancestors, who would dig a hole to create a temporary water source. Others think it’s a learned behavior since kittens often see their mother or other adult cats covering up their waste.

Whatever the reason, you can do a few things to stop your cat from trying to bury her water dish. One is to provide her with a water fountain instead of a traditional bowl. These devices allow your cat to drink from a moving stream of water, which satisfies her instincts.

You can also try placing her water dish in a different location, such as on a raised platform or in a room she doesn’t typically visit. If she can access her water without walking through her litter box, she may be less likely to try to bury it.

Finally, ensure you clean her water dish regularly and fill it with fresh water daily. If she doesn’t like the taste of her water or if it’s too dirty, she may be more likely to try to bury it.


Cats are very fond of water and love to bathe in it. However, sometimes, they end up drinking it, which may lead to several health issues. So, if your cat drinks too much water, it’s high time you act.

Read this blog to understand the possible causes of your cat drinking too much water and what you can do to prevent it.

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